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Honours Lab: How to Land on Earth (anew)? 

2023, ArtEZ University of the Arts, NL

ArtEZ Honours Lab is a multidisciplinary environment for artistic research. I participated in Track02 in 2023 and had it as a part of my research in Morphing Landscapes.

The topic aligned with the ideas of French philosopher Bruno Latour from his exhibition (Latour 2020). It revolves around learning from Earth to learn our bearings on the rapid changes in nature and society and developing artistic practices based on these explorations. The reading materials ranged from learning about relations in nature (e.g. mushrooms), indigenous wisdom, and non-western perspectives.

Together with artist Soyoon and Patrick, we were inspired by the concepts of assemblagepolyphony, and precarity were discussed in one of the reading materials The Mushroom at the End of the World by Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt, in which she introduced how various elements converge, establishing connections and alliances, whether natural or human-made in the concept of assemblage. And how this perspective helps in comprehending the dynamic interactions within complex systems.

As a group consisting of artists in sound, dance, and visual, we wondered how these three media embody the concepts of assemblage, polyphony, and precarity in a performance. Combining the topic, how can our work act as a guide to bring us closer to the world we 'live from’? (Latour 04)

To address the questions, we did a series of 'jam sessions' in which different regulations and forms were experimented with. In this interview, we explained more about the process and reflection.

Tutors: Joep Christenhusz, Peter Sonderen
Team members: Lena C., Patrick Wiel, Soyoon Cha
Date: Sep-Dec 2023

Latour, Bruno. "INTRODUCTION: Seven Objections Against Landing on Earth." Critical Zones: The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth, edited by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel, The MIT Press, October 13, 2020, p. 04.

Playlist of the sessions: