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Bloeiende Bloemen en Plantenbewegingen

is a scientific short film made by a Dutch filmmaker Jan Cornelis Mol in 1932. In this project, we created music by using voice, violin, trumpet, synthesizers, and more, synchronizing our intense soundscape with the flowers' movements, and giving them their own voices. We not only researched the meaning of the flowers, as an all-female group, we also combined our exploration of themes of femininity and sexuality, taking the listener on an emotional journey from mystery and pain to exuberance and celebration.

Live performance
4 min 21 sec

Directing & Coordinating: Chris Hillen
Modular synth: Lena C.
Keyboard synth: Jetske Iedema
Voice: Daniela Carignani, Ylva Rietman 
Violin: Laura Torres Morales
Trumpet: Mariona Galimany Camps
Nadine El Shoura

Video recording: ArtEZ Masters of Music